I've slipped back into a planning mode. I hate it when routine falters, but in the past week I've been busy with a lot of non-writing stuff. There was problems with the AC, spending time deciding how to use all of my veggies from my garden, and feeling like I'm playing an eternal game of catch-up with the housework (thanks to my shedding puppy), and the tons upon tons of cooking/baking...
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Friday, July 20, 2012
Writing Progress: The Need for Flexibility
The Main WIP:
Silver Mask, my main work in progress is coming along. piece by piece. It feels slow, but I've had to revisit my "thinking time" in order to catch up with the directions my characters are going in. And so much is changing!
My last critique group helped me work out what scenes to include from my villain's POV. Not my strong suit, writing bad guys. I'm far less...
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Books: The Hidden Stars by Madeline Howard
I meant to finish the book by today, but I failed there. So I'll discuss what I've read and follow up with the rest next week.
First Impression:
Howard's style is gorgeous! Since I am a big-picture person when I write, and do all my tweaking after the fact, I am particularly enamored of writing styles that maximize word choice and achieve a sort of lyrical quality.
The oh-so-careful...
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
TV I'm Watching: Eureka :(
Eureka is one of Syfy's "Hoarder" cliche shows, which seem to be beginning to disappear. Eureka is going off the air and Sanctuary has been cancelled. Not that I'm crying over Sanctuary, I couldn't really get into that one or Warehouse 13.
Eureka, on the other hand, I have found entertaining. The last two seasons have had recurring guest roles from Felicia Day and Wil...
Monday, July 16, 2012
A New Week
So after an attack of laziness and general feelings of being "unwell" I got back to business last Friday, beginning with housework.
I don't know what it is about housework, but whenever I've felt the need to assert more control over my life, or if I've been sick and suddenly regained energy, or anything of that ilk--the first thing I do after overcoming a slump is housework. Dishes, laundry,...
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
TV: True Blood
The next season is definitely interesting...I'm liking the (likely) temporary hold on the love-circle..ish. though, now she's moving onto yet another creature?
I have to admit--I didn't get into the books. Sookie's trust issues, while understandable, were manifesting in too much annoying internal dialogue for my taste. I lasted into Club Dead... I should probably just skip over...
Monday, July 9, 2012
I've been spending a decent chunk of time making things, hoping to sell them.
Debate going on in my head: Yes, I've been down this road before. Why is this time different?
It is different because I have found a somewhat silly, but relatively simple project that comes out very nicely:
Napkin rings.
I'm making beaded and crocheted napkin rings right now. I'm researching (again)...
Friday, July 6, 2012
Writing Progress
I've been working on some short stories, a few which might end up novellas.
Two are off to receive critiques at the moment, and I can't wait to put them into shape. I don't know how I'm going to release them, but I do plan to. I have a few ideas in mind, and when I make a decision--I'll post it!
Also, work on Silver Mask continues. Just (finally) completed chapter...
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Geeky News
While I'm not generally a Microsoft fan (Nor am I an Apple fan), I must say that this keynote and product excited me.
1) The tech here will compliment my increasingly paperless home.
I have been doing more reading and critiquing on Google Docs than in another form. The ability to use a pen to edit could help the screen adopt the same functionality as paper + pen, which is really...
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Book this Week: Alloy of Law

Steampunk met Detective story met Fantasy and then came Sanderson's latest installment from the Mistborn world.
Awesome Stuff About this Book:
For any fan of the trilogy proceeding this, there are many snicker-worthy moments. Your main characters from the 1st three books have become religious...
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
TV I'm Watching: Falling Skies Season Two
A year ago my guy and I were waiting for new shows starting in the fall, and this is when it got fun. The last few years have seen a rise in SciFi and Fantasy across small and big screens. These shows have been more than an escape, I've found more than a few inspiring. The acting and story...
Monday, July 2, 2012
The Project Idea that Hogged a Few Months
One of the things I love to do is cook. There have been a number of alterations of my style and the content of what I cook the last few years. I got into cooking specific recipes for awhile, and tried to blog, but realized that cooking is more of a lifestyle thing for me. I constantly fail at taking picture of what I cook, and the failures went on so long that I became less interested...