Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Winter Cold

I haven't been online much this week. A head cold has interfered with my concentration. The most annoying occurrence this week I blogged about on the SWS blog. That was my inability to escape it all into a good book. Writer-mind got in the way and started analyzing the book I was attempting to enjoy. I was contacted about a contest over at Amazon... and I might see if the friend who mentioned...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Textual Context

While reading Facebook comments on my wall, I noticed jokes about grammar. A friend teased my boyfriend about non-standard English used in a comment. A glance at Helium and the like definitely highglight the grammarian's concerns about language being "diluted" with the use of coloquialisms. I guess that the most shocking bit about the whole thing is my epiphany: "I don't care." Don't get me...

Monday, January 11, 2010

Drawing Board

Ok, not entirely going back to the drawing board. But I started Novel One with a dramatically detailed world. I thought I had everything planned to the enth degree. but there's nothing like work on a revision and fresh eyes to make me say to myself: "Woa! Hold up! What do I need here?" I think I need more research. I need to figure out a few key things that will bring the background of the...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Year!

I've been very indecisive about the face of this blog. I wobble between creative and professional. This topic came up at the New Year's party I attended. Now I have someone comfortable with templates dabbling with the format, so a brand new design will be unveiled soon. This time i promise to keep it! The holidays brought other changes, too. SWS has a new website: And i am...