Glossary of Terms: Rextian


Omae = mother

Tyrae = father

Omee = aunt

Tyree = uncle

Evya = child

Omyi =  girl cousin

Eryi = boy cousin

Omah = sister

Ero = brother

Tyro = boy, son

Omya = girl/daughter

Dehee = sir, respectful term/title for a male acquaintance

Riah = respectful term/title for a woman

Riani = Respectful term/title for a married woman or mother

D'Omae, DaTyrae = grandmother/grandfather, respectively

S'Omae, S'Tyrae = great-grandmother/great-grandfather, respectively

Ji (with a long i) = I

Jin (Long i) = Me/Mine

Kohi (Long o, i like an e) = Them/they

Jiko = us/we

Ry= she

Ty = he

Eshtah (short vowels) = of

Neh/Nehn = to be

Zath = and

Aree/Areen = To say/speak

Bindime = Word

Mahi (short a, i makes a long e) = prefix, indicates plural

Chi (long i) = One, singular. Usually omitted in grammar unless trying to draw attention to the fact that only one remains: Kohithea sah ch'omya  (Their family has one daughter)

Chiom = only

Tahm = what/that

Sah/Sahn = to have

Relo/Reloni = to know

Eth = it

Thea = Family

Theani = home (coloquial)

Kaht = home/house (formal)

Eyah = here/place (often an ending like in Kottia-Rextian)

Iyah = now

Ziyah = close

Jaed/Jaedeen = to come

An (long a) = soil, the mundane, the earthly, the flawed/imperfect, and often used to convey humility

Le (long e) = light, day, goodness, purity, divinity, magic, beauty, creativity, affiliated with Draden and Gold


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